Hello and Welcome to Inside the Book

You may have noticed while reading Zoom Factor that there were several website URL’s embedded in the book.

You guessed it – there are things that just wouldn’t fit, nor were appropriate to try to insert to a 6″x9″ book.

Now that you have registered your book. you’ll get a membership to Inside the Book.  As long as you have this membership, you’ll get access to these pages, updates over time, as well as access to some special offers.

If at any time you wish to unsubscribe, you may cancel your membership.

All materials Inside the Book are copyrighted, so please enjoy their personal use.

Membership is simple – it is all connected to the secured page http://www.zoomfactorbook.com/book-resources

Happy Architecting!

p.s. The password for the Career Roadmap pdf is Altitude

Tags: #inside zoom factor book, #several website, #registered your book